Q-link is a public bus transport system in Groningen city and region. Its network is fast (express bus lanes), direct (connects major regional commuter centers), high-frequency and innovative (mostly electric and hydrogen buses). Creating a new transport system as such proved an operationally complex case for our client. And from a brand and communication point of view, an interesting challenge for the both of us.

Based on the unique characteristics of the product itself Q-link was positioned as an 'above-ground metro'. With all of the positive associations that come with it. This metro analogy has been extended to the design concept: the color coding and the line network are the main and most visible components. The visual language is intuitive, the accompanying communication has a contemporary tone of voice. The result is a clear brand identity that presents Q-link as a smart and efficient travel alternative with a metropolitan appeal to existing and new travelers, including inveterate car commuters.

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